Nikkor 24mm F/2.8 AI-S
Weight: 9oz
Filter Size: 52mm
The Nikkor 24mm 2.8 has never been a go to lens
for me.
When I want wide, I grab the 20mm. For less distorted every day but
still wide shots I prefer the 28mm field of view. That said I couldn't
resist picking one of these up for $125. This is a nice compact lens,
about the size but notably heavier than a 50mm 1.8 AF-D. The weight is
all picked up in the construction, standard for the AI-S Nikkor era:
superb. The lens is made from metal and glass, has incredibly smooth
focusing and no slop at all. Handling one of these will show you why
people complain about the build quality of new $1,500 AF-S Nikkors.
There have been a few versions of the 24mm 2.8 but this design has been
produced since 1977-1978 and can still be bought new for $530.
Although it retails for the same price as the 20mm 2.8 AF-D the 24mm
has been around a lot longer and is much cheaper on the used market.

Nikon D700, Nikkor 24mm
F2.8 AIS @
1/800 F5.6 ISO 100
Because the
internet lies, a
100% crop, unsharpened. Sharp but not life changing.
Performance is remarkably similar but supposedly slightly
better than its 20mm brethren. Nice
center sharpness at all apertures, but soft on the edges and corners
until stopped down. In
real world use I've never noticed a performance difference. On a DX
camera the field of view will be right around 35mm, which by todays
standards is not wide.
Well marked distance
scales on the
old manual focus lenses, as well as a hard stop at infinity make them
good for low light situations.
compared to the 70-300VR.

Wide open at F/2.8

This one just
happens to be a
rare bird too, however it was probably not used in space.