wake up early. It is brutally cold out and half an inch of snow has
accumulated. The headache is persistent. The nausea makes it
impossible to eat breakfast. Not wanting to be a strong headed fool I
know it's time to head back down to lower elevations. Jesse Coombs is
in the same boat. We quickly pack gear up, and talk over a plan with
Ben Stookesberry. He said he'll quickly join us on the trail back down,
since the majority of the team has altitude sickness. One of the guides
is feeling the elevation too, so Ezra, Jesse and I head out
looking forward to more oxygen.
It doesn't take us long
to reach the Bujuku Lake overlook.

At the overlook we talk over the options with our guide and decide that
Bujuku Hut is probably too high. We take an alternate, shorter path
back to John Matte hut.
Jesse and Ezra back in the Bigo Bog.

Jesse puts Bujuku Lake behind him on the trek back down.

Thick vegetation and thicker oxygen, we start to feel a little better.

Rain is more dispersed today, allowing for a few opportunities to savor
the beauty of the Rwenzori.
Jesse does some tuft hopping.

Root walking to stay above the mud.

Descending from higher elevations.

A raised root system keeps us off the ground in the worst parts of the

Moving fast in the search for better air we make quick time down to
John Matte Hut and enjoy beautiful views in the constantly changing

A brief moment of sunlight is always welcome.

The Bujuku River near John Matte Hut.

Sunlight quickly changes to fog in the unending saga of weather in the

After a few relaxing hours at John Matte hut, a few porters
straggle in. Plans changing as swiftly as the weather, Ben Stookesberry
decides to summit Margherita Peak and afterward is met by Hendri
and Chris Korbulic near Elena Hut. They continue the trek circuit and
reunite with us at Nyabitaba Hut. Jesse and I return to documenting the
for clean water in Uganda as
Ben, Chris and Hendri continue on to the Democratic Republic of the
Our ride back to
Kampala is a whole story in itself, best told by one image.

We managed to stay amazingly warm and dry in the cold, wet enviroment
of the Rwenzori. Key pieces of gear:
Ascent BC-200
Ascent Hangfire Hoodie
Ascent Downlight Sweater
Friends Grouse
Tempest Pants
Gum Boots
EN-EL3e batteries