Oregon Kayaking's
well written
Cherry Creek trip
report. The best known of
California’s multi-day classics, UCC is wildly popular with
people from out of the state, and can be a bit of a shit show when
it’s in.
Devin Knight hikes on the ridge line.
Looking into Cherry Bomb Gorge from the hike.
Matt Thomas enjoying a meadow.
The Teacups and Flinestone Camp.
Garret Brown about to drop in and reap the rewards.
The hike to Upper Cherry is
nine miles, and surprisingly, not as scenic as you'd imagine. The trail
generally stays level after the first climb, and follows the ridge
staying in the trees which obstruct view but give much needed shade.
While it's relatively flat, nine miles with a loaded kayak is just
that and can still be tough. It's best to do Upper Cherry
someone who has done it, to avoid getting lost on the trail and
extensive amounts of scouting for some of the gorges.
Nap time at the first slide.
Upper Cherry Creek starts off in good style;
Daniel Brasuell
gets going.
Below the first slide the
river widens out into the "Granite Moonscape" where there are hardly
any trees in sight. Here the slides are wide and shallow, a bit
annoying if it weren't for the scenery. If the slides aren't shallow,
beware of high flows and a perilous journey to be had downstream.
After a mile or two of low
angle, low stress kayaking, the river drops over a few boulder gardens
before the first real gorge. I've always portaged one of these, which
is followed by a tight slot that can be a bit sticky at certain flows.
Matt Thomas gives the slot a go.
A good bunch of read and run slides lead into a big boy that can be
easily portaged.
Thomas runs West Coast Gorilla, the culmination of day one if you
camp above Cherry Bomb.
Just below the West Coast Gorilla
is the
"Class IV Gorge". It's only class IV relative to the big rapids on
Upper Cherry Creek, so stay on your toes, especially for this crux drop
of the gorge that has an undercut cave on the bottom left. It can also
be portaged right.
Craig runs the crux drop
of the class IV gorge.
Class IV gorge viewed from below.

The Island Camp above Cherry Bomb Gorge is a great place to camp.
Matt Thomas with Cherry Bomb Gorge in the background.
The Cherry Bomb entrance gorge. Just around the corner is the portage
into Cherry Bomb Falls.
Matt Thomas makes the Cherry Bomb Sieve portage. This portage
leads to an eddy at the lip of Cherry Bomb Falls.
Garret Brown dropping the bomb.
Dustin Stoenner
Cherry Bomb gorge is to
many the crux of a run down Upper Cherry Creek. It's not Cherry Bomb
Falls itself that makes the gorge so threatening, but the series that
follow. Immediately below the landing is the weir, a low head dam like
ledge notorious for causing extended surfs. The key to the weird is
enter it pointing left, because at all flows it's relatively easy to
surf out the left side. Not so much for the right side.
Below the ledge is the classic series: left left
right middle left. Don't forget because once in the gorge it's
impossible to scout. The last ledge has a sieve in play at medium to
low flows too. Once beyond the stressful part of Cherry Bomb
canyon opens up into The Teacups, one of the most perfect series of
slides and falls anywhere in the world.
Meredeth, Seth Stoenner and
Jason Craig enter the slides above the teacups. Note the big walls from
Cherry Bomb in the background.
Jason Craig boofs through the slide. A hidden piton awaits for those
too far right on this slide too.
Daniel Brasuell boofing through the teacups.
The above teacups lead right into these, how can a river be so good?
Dustin Stoenner contemplates.

The teacups empty in a beautiful
large body of still water. To the left is the over used Flinestone
Camp, which USFS has requested that kayakers not camp at. Please
respect their wishes and support our continued access to Upper Cherry
Creek, and camp somewhere else. There is no shortage of beautiful
campsites in this wonderland. Flinestone camp pool sits perched above
the California Groove Tube, which goes better than it looks. Respect to
the first person who ran this one!
Matt Thomas groovin it up. Note the horizon line below too.
Seth Stoenner observes Daniel Brasuell getting tubed.
California Groove Tube leads right into the Perfect Twenty - Devin
Daniel Brasuell living large.
After the perfect twenty is
the calm before the storm. A short pool leads into Double Pothole, a
drop most know from the amount of video publicity it has seen. Double
Pothole drops about sixty feet from top to bottom, and scouting can be
a chore. The best scout is from the right, but requires passing
kayaks up to a ledge. There is a portage option on the right, but only
if you have good traction and are comfortable friction walking across a
very exposed ledge. The next best option if you are scared of heights
or lack good footwear is to walk back up to the California Groove Tube,
ferry across and take an extended walk (on somewhat of a trail) around
the left side of a granite dome that creates Double Pothole.
Matt Thomas – Double Pothole
Jason Craig enjoying an evening run down Double Pothole.
Daniel Brasuell finishing strong.
There is a nice campsite on the
right below Double Pothole, which allows you to scout Waterfall Alley
and contemplate the joy that is to come in the morning. Waterfall Alley
is a series similar to the Teacups, but shorter with larger drops. The
first series lead to Kiwi in a Pocket, an often portaged drop that
leads into the infamous Dead Bear. Kiwi in a Pocket is a thirty foot
waterfall with large pocket cave behind it. It's amazingly easy to end
up in this cave, but at medium or lower flows, paddling out through the
falls is possible. Higher, a tough vertical extraction is required.
From the lip of Kiwi it's easy to portage the whole gorge high on river
right, because if you want nothing to do with Kiwi, you won't want Dead
Bear either.
Kiwi in a Pocket is followed by a nice ten foot boof, and
Dead Bear. A large, sieved out but runnable cataract leads into Dead
Bear, a thirty to forty foot high falls that caused a shoulder
dislocation on its first descent. Subsequent descents have proved more
successful. At medium or higher flows it's possible to run the whole
entrance on the left and avoid the rather tedious portage to dubious
seal launch on the right.
Devin Knight – Dead Bear
Ryan Knight – Dead Bear
After Dead Bear the river
has no more large falls, but plenty of action all the way to the lake.
Of note is the Red Rock Gorge which has two drops that are normally
portaged, and the final gorge into the lake
drop in the final gorge is
especially noteworthy, because on the bottom left is a nasty pocket
hole that feeds into a sieve. Although the lake is in view, it's worth
the time to set safety.
Upper Cherry Creek has been hailed as the
Grail of
class V+ expedition kayaking”. It’s a great run,
but I wouldn't call it the Holy Grail. Each run offers unique
opportunities and challenges. Upper Cherry Creek offers immense amounts
of granite bedrock with a generally friendly nature, and can be low
stress at the right flow. The nine mile hike in is about as
easy as a hike of that length with a loaded boat could be, not the
horror story some have claimed it to be; nothing vs the Middle Kings.
That said after stating it was 9 miles for years, I finally brought a
GPS on the hike and it is 10.5 miles.
The granite moonscape is unique and worth spending time in. Upper
Cherry Creek is generally referred to as a three day run, but it can be
done in two moderate days if a group member knows the run. Beware of
the mosquitoes when you arrive at the river, if you push
downstream to the top of the first long slide your extra effort will be
rewarded. General common sense will go a long ways to preserving the
beauty and
future use of Upper Cherry Creek. It's in the wilderness, so please be
responsible and get your wilderness permit. While hiking stay on the
trail as much as possible, and carry your boat instead of dragging it.
If paddlers as a whole show good wilderness etiquette and respect for
the wilderness rules, it will help ensure future generations of
paddlers the joy of Upper Cherry Creek.
All this is mentioned because absurd things happen on Upper Cherry
Creek that put access at risk, such as someone spray painting and
flagging directions on the trail.
At medium or lower flows, Upper Cherry Creek is one of the easiest of
California's High Sierra multi-days. Even with the hike in, it has a
lot less "dealing" than the other runs like Fantasy Falls or the Middle
Kings. On the other hand it can be scary and dangerous when it's high.
Thankfully in 2014 a gauge whent live, and now we can monitor flows in
real time. We found 325 to be a nice medium low. I'd say it's probably
runable from 200-400cfs depending on how you like flows. At 400
personally I'd portage Cherry Bomb and others would probably run it.I
like to see the
Inflow to Hetch
Hetchy at 600 and dropping when I hike.
Cherry Creek above Cherry Lake Gauge.
8th River video and TR of Upper Cherry Creek.
Cherry Put-In on Google Maps.
above Cherry Bomb Gorge on Google Maps.