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Round 2 Results
Round 2 Wildcard Round Round One 1/2 Results Round One Results Round One 1/2 Round One The Entries AT & IR with prizes! Third Annual Whitewater Photography Comp 2016 Whitewater Calendar Norway Trekking 4 Sony 35 1.8 vs Sony 28 f/2 Norway Trekking 3 South Kaweah Canyon Loop Flashlight 1 FL Pentax 28mm f/3.5 review Sony FE 28mm f/2 take two. Review: Sony FE 28mm f/2 Norway Trekking 2 Norway Trekking Middle Verzasca, Switzerland Egua, Italy Gronda, Italy Brandenburger Ache Celestial Falls White & Little White Eagle Creek, Oregon McKenzie River - Sahalie & Koosah Testing PFD Rescue Belts Corsican Climax New Nomad Codi River - Corsica. Sven Lämmler - Site Zed Return to the California Heat Strange thing in Sony land Old Nikons, Norway AT Hercules Review Conclusion Upper Cherry X3 Italia Cherry Sundae South Kings More Corsica April Upper Cherry Cali Corsica Samyang 12mm Return Prijon UMK Lost Kayaks Fixed Tuolumne Photos Water & No Water Below French Meadow Down Time 135mm love Clendenning Creek New Year, New Wallpaper New Year USFS Catch 22 AT Hercules Decline MindShift Adventure Bags Measuring Volume Flash & the A6000 Rotomolding Outfitting Back with B&W Reformat & Recent Shots Mexico Wallpaper It's go time. V-Slide Summer in the Kaweah Strange Business Lens v Lens Slate Creek Sun Stars Snow Branch 3rd and 4th Back to the beginning Consolation The Winner! Final Round Round 4 Results Round 4 Round 3 Results Round 3 Round 2 Results Round 2 Wildcard Results Wildcards Round One Results Round One All In First Fourteen Pushing Bottons 2nd Annual Photo Comp GoPro Covers Guidebook Rain & Diversions The Coast & Sony Zeiss BC Updates Homer's Odyessy Tutorial Update Recent Reads Shasta Ranch Morning Light Dry Shasta Corse II Corsica Leave us the misery Team Strudel New In Print Cull A7: Just the right size. L'Île de Beauté Thanksgiving tradition Backpack testing Trolling for clicks. Just once Back to the A7 Seasons Classics Df Metabones Speedbooster Halloween Salto Alerces Rio Futaleufu Rio Baker Journey to the Baker Rio Gol Gol Rio Cochamo Cochamo Valley more Chile A-7 Chile Reunited The mystery Rio Salado Argentina Fuefukigawa Free? Gear Attrition. Imperfection is Beautiful PPP Moving! The Winner! Final Round The Finalists Semi-Finals Advancing to Semis United Quarter Finals We'll be back. Sweet Sixteen Advancing Wild Cards Waiting Wild Cards Round One Results March Madness Last Four Spots Second Fourteen First Fourteen Photo Championship Far Nor Cal Through the roof Reality LA-EA1 Corrected Sierra River Scenery Unnatural Fresh Abandoned System Sahalie Wallpaper Back in the office Out of the office The Constant Change Heading North Subtle Details Camera Gear List Argentina! Illinois/Stoked Lifestyle wallpaper NEX-5r updates FM2 Hansel South Feather misc Sigma 19mm Review Running Free Two words Right Wrong Remix Astral Brewer Diane's October WP Dragon Tree Follow your head Sorting, sorting Breaking the Rules RSS Feed Fantasy Slide Thomas's B-day South Fork Feather The right wrong Birthday wallpaper Calendar/D600 Scenery & Stuff Tools D600 A99 commentary Fixing links Out of Town Stikine Wallpaper Camping Urban Moon NEX-5R Texture 2013 Calendar not quite Any camera 2013 Calendar Mighty Klamath Kyotsu Wallpaper Ligare Spin Green again Captain Challenge Drytop Test Challenge The Leaves Capitol Moonrise Colorado Captain Flying Squirrel Green Wallpaper lifestyle no name a different side upgrade path 4th of July NF Moke Dropping In At the river Stikine Wallpaper Camping Fader Shangri-la wallpaper Progression 2 Progression Dinkey Rok Wallpaper Lower Deer Creek Deer Wallpaper Into the unkown almost FWT + Yuba Gap Dinkey Wallpaper Black and not quite Snowy Box Canyon UMC Wallpaper Storm Clouds Sutter Buttes Flying wallpaper Barking Dog Talung Wallpaper French tutorials NEX-5N Firmware Wooley Creek Wallpaper Common Sense The Longest Road Siang Dreams little city subtle Reflections 2/13 Wallpaper Clear Creek 2/7 updates Taylor UMC Wallpaper More Shasta Four Deaths Tamron 17-50 Piaxtla Wallpaper In Color B&W Mix up Nikkor 24-70 Siang Wallpaper Smith Pano NF Smith Wallpaper Stars Wallpaper rain! 30 Mistletoe Jonas Wallpaper The Future Spirit of Adventure Lunar Ghost Lunar Eclipse Cody Wallpaper Watershed Wallpaper, other. NF Wallpaper Behind the scenes For Sale Drew Wallpaper Thigh Hooks 85mm f/1.4 Oakland Jackson Wallpaper Headed Home Rwenzori Four Elena Hut Werner Wallpaper Bujuku Hut The Green Tied for First Rwenzori One South East 2 Kokatat Wallpaper South East 1 Moonscape Centennial Not Davis Davis Safari Red Barn Pit River Clean Water Overnight Gear Itunda Dead Dutchman Bujagali BRG Talung 3 Talung 2 Night & Misc 135 DC 2 135 DC Talung 82 updates Camping Wallpaper Quote & Updates Scott Valley Backpacking DPP Beta Wallpaper Japan Diaries Dark Side Rapid Mag 72 UCC TS Q&A EFK TS Japan 3 Japan 2 Fantasy 65 South Silver Japan 1 Seasonal Update 70-300VR 4th of July TS Loop BK NFMF 300mm f/4.5 Gay Wave 52mm f/2 AI 53 Cowbell 51 Pakistan 2 Mill Big secret 50mm AF-D Silver Fork Pakistan #44 Back #42 Teesta Four Sony 16mm f/2.8 The road Fishing Silver Creek Lobster Pot 2 Lobster Pot A great paddler? Kern River Fest Jason Craig Sunday Teesta Three The Wave Teesta Two Teesta One Deer Creek UMC T/S Rainy Days Bear River TS What's in an edit? Siang River T/S Webber Shot o the day Change Squaw Valley Creek North Fork Cosumnes Nikkor 28mm f/2 Random Updated Tutorial #2 Tilt/Shift Siang Panning shot New River Update 24mm 2.8 Weaverville Stars Two lens reviews Night Photography Stars at Castle Lake Going with it. Lohit image First |
![]() The Third Annual Whitewater Photography Competition presented by Adventure Technology. Thanks to Gareth
Tate and Adventure Technology who will
award a paddle of choice to the champion.
![]() Immersion Research
also has some love for the competition with a pair of Tangerine
Guide Shorts and Supafly
Zinger Shorts.
The results of round 2. Read between the images for commentary. Bracket 1 ![]() Clay: 1st photo (B) just won the
contest I think. phenomenal zig zag of water and colors .. soft
moss and hard blocky rock.. wish the paddler had a red boat and was
booting but it’s OK. Not touchable by I even with that much
ICE at big brother.
Darin: I agree with Clay that a red boat would really pop here. Still I like Daniel Stewart's paddling position, the zig zag of water, but more than anything the inclusion of foreground elements to give the image depth. I shot a similar image last year, but B just has an incredible amount of depth thanks to that foreground. I like the image I a lot too, the ice is simply incredible, and the orange boat pops from the blue scene. A tighter crop would help it pop even more if you got rid of the sunlight in the top right. I love that there is space for the paddler to move into, some question of unknown, especially with the nasty ice undercut lurking downstream. In the end B is an image that makes me want to go kayaking, and gets my vote. I thought this was much closer than the public vote indicated. VS ![]() B advances with a unanimous vote. Bracket 2
Clay: C winner and is
amazing .. complex drop with laurels and SE looking rock but I
can’t place the rapid.. West Prong really low? Love the
tight exit and wondering what the front of that rock looks like plus
the paddler is lit up and on a nice hard stroke.
VSR is good, love the dog, the can on the ground, the happy feeling despite miserable weather and obvious swim. Hate the tarp shading the bottle drinker but love the feeling it gives. Darin: C does a fantastic job defining SE boating, and I love the spotlight of sun on the kayaker. It's a shame their paddle is blocking their face, but I'll take that over a poor paddle stroke. Lots of space to move into, the expectation of the unknown and good light. R: In Norway this year Olli Grau taught us the oldschool method; the swimmer buys everyone else in the group a beer. I'm way more into that than the whole bootie beer thing, and the crop at the bottom drives me crazy. It does capture emotion as Clay says, but not enough to surpass C. ![]() C advances with a unanimous vote. Bracket 3 ![]() Darin: A: This image captures the feeling of creeking so well. Personally I'd crop it as a 16:9 to get rid of the busy trees up top. Still it makes me stare and wonder, especially about the lead in which must explain why he isn't boofing further river left. It also alludes to there being some run-out in a gorge. Just an incredible feel, and nice to see an image from somewhere new (to me at least, where is this?). H is a beautiful image with a lot of feel too. Judging from the light on Jason Craig I'm just not convinced the flare is organic, it looks photoshop induced. I'd be happy to be proved wrong with a raw file :) Still it's a beautiful, captivating image but it doesn't draw with me with questions like A does. Bracket 4
![]() Clay: M is the winner - nice Yule
shot showcasing the crazy shale ditch that it is while some lucky soul
drops in at a primo level on the new right line instead of the old
‘’ow! my ass’’ left one.
VSG is great light and amazing rock - better lit too - but that jumble downstream is less enticing and the paddler’s position and colors can’t make up for it. Darin: G is my favorite shot of the competition. This shot captures the best kind of expedition paddling, a remote gorge and tough multi-move rapids. The gap in the gorge downstream just shows how far the team has to go to complete the river, and makes me wonder what's down there. Louis Geltman's aggressive draw stroke on this move is great too. At least I think it's Louis. The rock texture, gorge, big rapid, a relatively unmanipulated image, this one has it all. M has a lot of merits too, the dark share of Yule Creek give it a forbidding feel. I like the left to right movement of the paddler, but not his paddling position as much as G. It's not bad, but it's just not as active. The bright orange gopro is a distraction, as well as the excessive vignetting and subtle edge softening applied to the photo. I'd swear this image was processed to look like it was shot with a 24mm f/1.4 but it feels processed, just not quite an organic feel. A great image, but G is my favorite of the whole competition so far. ![]() G advances over M 2 to 1. Bracket 5
![]() Clay: T hat’s not
fair! Dane’s kick flip off the ramp, the amazing colors he
brings to the green sunny scene with cottony dark cloudy Idaho
environment, knowing that Gerd swam doing this last year, and knowing
that it’s right above Jakes.. If this is Tait
Troutman or Matty B or Mike Leeds I wouldn’t be surprised.
Apologies to O - I love the drop (where?) and paddler diving into the
curling spray but it’s blown out one side, dark on the
other, cropped just a touch too tight to see the landing. And his
paddle is out of the water.
VSDarin: J is incredible but for my taste is a little too processed. It looks like HDR which I'm not a fan of. In this mid day light the only way to get an image like this to really work is with lights, and that's expensive and a hassle. Still it has a fantastic feel and captures excitement, certainly if you know what's downstream. That's one issue though, while a lot of people know what's downstream, not everyone knows what is downstream, and if you have to explain something the photograph isn't doing its full job. Still, the kickflip off the ramp is big enough to speak for itself, regardless of Jakes being downstream. O: Rio Escondido in Argentina? No matter what the river, the blown out water just kills this image for me. This looks like one of the most incredible rapids in the world that always has terrible light. ![]() J advances with a unanimous vote. Bracket 6
Clay: Q it is. While the
white boat is horrible and just about kills the shot the rainbow and
logs and solid body position add so much to this classic Maruia Falls
shot. Should be done even better for top honors but got
lucky on the draw. F is a beautiful lead in drop to a red boat
driving for something… kinda cool that we don’t know what
but not quite enough height to the bottom drop to make me really
care. I want to boof that top drop - right on the sunny spot
instead. Good shot just nothing to really bring me back to that
amazing boof above as the paddler is going out of the action instead of
into it.
VSDarin: Well this is the weakest bracket in this round. I'm torn between the images. On Q I like the rainbow and paddlers position. The building in the background kind of adds ambiance, but I don't like all the wood on the right, nor the double gopro, or the white boat. I think this one just wasn't quite shot from the right angle. I end up asking is it about the scenery, the place, the paddler? F: Like Clay I find my eye wandering to the top boof instead of the paddler. This would be a much more engrossing shot if the paddler was running the top boof. Still I like the image, because I like multi-move rapids. It's just like the popular vote, a very close call. In the end I go with F because there are less distracting elements overall. ![]() F just barely squeezes by Q 2 to 1. Comment
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